Doublestripe Goby (Parrella maxillaris)
The Doublestripe Goby is a small, peaceful freshwater goby native to parts of South America. Its distinct stripes and hardy nature make it a great addition to specialized aquariums, particularly for aquarists interested in dwarf gobies.
General Description
• Size: Grows to approximately 1–1.5 inches (2.5–4 cm), making it a true dwarf species.
• Body: Slender and elongated, with a slightly compressed shape.
• Coloration:
• Features two prominent horizontal dark stripes running along its body, hence the name “Doublestripe Goby.”
• Base color varies from pale gray to translucent with subtle hints of beige.
• Sexual Dimorphism: Males are often more vivid in color, while females may appear smaller and less vibrant.
• Native Range: Found in slow-moving streams and rivers in parts of Colombia and Venezuela.
• Environment:
• Prefers clear, shallow waters with sandy or fine-gravel substrates.
• Often inhabits areas with leaf litter, submerged branches, and aquatic vegetation.
• Water flow is gentle, unlike the fast-moving streams preferred by some Asian gobies.
• Temperament: Peaceful and non-aggressive, even toward conspecifics. Best kept in groups to encourage natural behavior.
• Activity: Bottom-dwelling, but often seen darting around in short bursts, especially near substrate and structures.
• Diet: Omnivorous, with a preference for protein-rich live or frozen foods:
• Microworms, baby brine shrimp, daphnia, and small bloodworms.
• Will graze on biofilm and algae in the tank.
Aquarium Care
• Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons for a small group, though a larger tank allows for more stable water conditions.
• Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 72–78°F (22–26°C).
• pH: 6.0–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral).
• Hardness: 2–10 dGH (soft to moderately hard water).
• Flow: Gentle to moderate water movement.
• Tank Setup:
• Use fine sand or small-grain gravel for substrate to mimic their natural habitat.
• Provide plenty of leaf litter, driftwood, and rocks for hiding spots.
• Live plants such as Java fern, Anubias, or floating plants add shelter and stability.
• Dim lighting or shaded areas help reduce stress.
• Breeding is not commonly achieved in aquariums but is possible under optimal conditions:
• Males establish small territories and attract females with displays.
• Eggs are laid in small crevices or caves, such as under rocks or inside PVC pipes.
• Males guard the eggs until they hatch.
• Fry are tiny and require microscopic live foods such as infusoria or vinegar eels.
• Tankmates:
• Small, peaceful fish such as tetras, pencilfish, pygmy corydoras, and otocinclus.
• Other bottom-dwellers like small shrimp and snails are good companions.
• Avoid large, boisterous, or aggressive fish, as the Doublestripe Goby may be outcompeted for food.
Special Considerations
1. Group Care: Thrives when kept in small groups (5–6 individuals). This reduces stress and encourages natural behaviors.
2. Water Quality: Sensitive to poor water conditions, so regular water changes are essential.
3. Diet: Requires small foods due to their tiny mouths; offer a mix of live, frozen, and high-quality micro-pellets.
The Doublestripe Goby is a delightful addition to nano or peaceful community aquariums, offering unique behavior and attractive, understated beauty. Its manageable care requirements and peaceful nature make it suitable for intermediate aquarists looking to explore the fascinating world of freshwater gobies.