The Zebra Otocinclus Catfish, often referred to simply as the Zebra Otocinclus or Zebra Oto, is a small and peaceful catfish species highly regarded among aquarists for its algae-eating abilities and attractive appearance. Here's some information about the Zebra Otocinclus Catfish:
1. **Scientific Name**: The Zebra Otocinclus Catfish belongs to the genus Otocinclus and is scientifically known as Otocinclus cocama.
2. **Size**: These catfish are quite small, typically reaching a size of around 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 centimeters) when fully grown.
3. **Appearance**: Zebra Otocinclus are named for their striking zebra-like stripes. They have a sleek and elongated body with alternating dark and light horizontal stripes running along their sides. Their appearance makes them an attractive addition to a planted aquarium.
4. **Habitat**: These catfish are native to South America and are found in slow-moving streams and tributaries in regions of Peru and Colombia. They are often found in areas with dense vegetation.
5. **Behavior**: Zebra Otocinclus are peaceful and social fish. They are known to be shoaling species, which means they do best when kept in groups of at least three or more. In larger groups, they tend to be more active and exhibit more natural behaviors.
6. **Diet**: Zebra Otocinclus are primarily herbivorous and are highly regarded for their algae-eating abilities. They feed on various types of algae, including green and brown algae, diatoms, and biofilm. In the aquarium, they will graze on algae that may grow on plant leaves, glass, and decorations.
7. **Aquarium Setup**: To create an ideal environment for Zebra Otocinclus, provide a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and surfaces for them to graze on. They appreciate the presence of live plants and driftwood. Since they are relatively small and peaceful, avoid keeping them with larger, aggressive tank mates.
8. **Water Parameters**: Zebra Otocinclus thrive in stable water conditions. Maintain a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 and keep the water temperature in the range of 72-78°F (22-26°C). It's important to provide clean, well-oxygenated water to ensure their health.
9. **Tank Size**: Due to their small size and shoaling behavior, Zebra Otocinclus can be kept in a relatively small aquarium. A tank of 10 gallons or larger is suitable for a small group of these catfish.
10. **Breeding**: Breeding Zebra Otocinclus in captivity can be challenging due to their specific reproductive requirements. They are egg layers, and breeding typically involves simulating the natural conditions of their native habitat, including providing plants for egg laying and soft, acidic water.
Zebra Otocinclus Catfish are popular among aquarists not only for their algae-eating abilities but also for their charming appearance and peaceful nature. They can be a valuable addition to a planted aquarium, helping to control algae growth while adding visual interest to the tank.